Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 1

IKEA PELLO Chair, Holmby natural

We had the thing for years. It's not very comfortable if you're in it for more than an hour, and it takes up a lot of floor space for what it is, so I dumped it into the basement, where a cat decided he liked it, so it is now permanently covered in fur (I tried to lint brush clean it and gave up). This wasn't even in good enough shape for Goodwill, so it went on the curb last night with the trash, tempting passers-by with its exotic lines.

1 comment:

  1. Love this idea. Looking around our house, Nan commented that ONE item doesn't seem like enough!

    We try to balance things. If something new comes in, something must go out (except comics!). This weekend 19 DVDs left and only three came in....
